Faezeh Afchary - Kord

Tableau "Tennis" 2024, huile sur toile, dim. : 92 * 65 cm

La chambre des secrets, 2020, huile sur toile, dim. : 116 * 85 cm

Tant qu'il y aura des hommes, 2024, huile sur toile, dim. : 24 * 33 cm

Tableau "Tennis" 2024, huile sur toile, dim. : 92 * 65 cm
“From his initial training in architecture, Faezeh Afchary has retained a sense of rigor. From her country of origin, Iran, she holds love for words and for poetry as her baggage. A sensitive work is born from this duality.
The artist works with porcelain - paper that she refines to the point of breaking. Its forms are refined without being rigid. Organic, they retain the imprint of the hand. (…)
Faezeh entrusts the poems of the Persian poets. Under his paintbrush, the full and the thin lines say the absence ”. Valérie Formey, Curator of the Ianchelevici museum in Louvière, Belgium.
Faezeh Afchary, works of rooting and uprooting. She feeds on her own life, on her gaze which is hers "because she lived like that". She is thirsty to tell the truth without worrying about the weather. It quenches its thirst without complacency at the sources of its history, see its dramas. Throughout her personal story, she models the noble and precious material that is porcelain to build a fragile work, springing from the shadows, sometimes suspended between heaven and earth, as if threatened with collapsing but certain of its existence. to raise. As the work progresses, she weaves a little round the world around us.
These objects combine fragments adorned with organic and geometric patterns that recall both his architectural background and his country of origin, Iran. A few Persian poems transferred to the ceramic support, complete the artist's desire to restore himself, to construct himself in thought.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.